
Svatební Å¡aty
Přijďte a vyberte si v našem svatebním salonu šaty, které vám skutečně padnou. Luxusní svatební šaty za rozumné ceny. Každý půlrok nové ...


Poteseni79.cz is hosted in Czech Republic . Poteseni79.cz uses HTTPS protocol. Number of used technologies: 3. First technologies: CSS, Html, Javascript, Number of used javascripts: 1. First javascripts: Script.js, Number of used analytics tools: 1. First analytics tools: Google Analytics, Its server type is: Apache.

Technologies in use by Poteseni79.cz


Number of occurences: 3
  • CSS
  • Html
  • Javascript



Number of occurences: 1
  • script.js


Number of occurences: 1
  • Google Analytics

Server Type

  • Apache

Google Analytics ID

  • UA-10644371-42

Conversion rate optimization

visitors Clickable call number Not founded!
visitors Conversion form (contact form, subcriber) Not founded!
visitors Clickable email Not founded!
visitors CTA (call to action) button Not founded!
visitors List Founded!
visitors Image Not founded!
visitors Enhancement Not founded!
visitors Responsive website Not founded!
visitors Facebook sharing Not founded!
visitors Google+ sharing Not founded!
visitors Twitter sharing Not founded!
visitors Linkedin sharing Not founded!
visitors Blog on the webiste Not founded!

HTTPS (SSL) - Poteseni79.cz

SSL certificate

    • name: /C=CZ/ST=Jihocesky kraj/L=Hluboka nad Vltavou/O=WEDOS Internet, a.s./CN=webhosting.wedos.ws/emailAddress=wedos@wedos.com
    • subject:
      • C: CZ
      • ST: Jihocesky kraj
      • L: Hluboka nad Vltavou
      • O: WEDOS Internet, a.s.
      • CN: webhosting.wedos.ws
      • emailAddress: wedos@wedos.com
    • hash: 80cd9ef1
    • issuer:
      • C: CZ
      • ST: Jihocesky kraj
      • L: Hluboka nad Vltavou
      • O: WEDOS Internet, a.s.
      • CN: WEDOS Certification Authority
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    • version: 2
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      • extendedKeyUsage: TLS Web Server Authentication
      • subjectKeyIdentifier: 26:97:6F:92:35:38:C7:17:91:26:FA:29:02:1E:AC:73:CA:A0:E1:95
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Meta - Poteseni79.cz

Number of occurences: 16
  • Name: description
    Content: Pøijïte a vyberte si v našem svatebním salonu šaty, které vám skuteènì padnou. Luxusní svatební šaty za rozumné ceny. Každý pùlrok nové kolekce.
  • Name: keywords
    Content: Svatební salon, svatební šaty
  • Name:
    Content: cs
  • Name: robots
    Content: index,follow
  • Name: copyright
  • Name: author
  • Name: seo
    Content: http://seomister.com
  • Name: creator
  • Name: template
    Content: Based on a template Pixel - http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/pixel
  • Name: revisit-after
    Content: 1 Week
  • Name: rating
    Content: general
  • Name: DC.title
    Content: Svatební salon Magnolia
  • Name: geo.region
    Content: CZ-PR
  • Name: geo.placename
    Content: Praha
  • Name: geo.position
    Content: 50.06876;14.38465
  • Name: ICBM
    Content: 50.06876, 14.38465

Server / Hosting

  • IP:
  • Latitude: 50.08
  • Longitude: 14.41
  • Country: Czech Republic


  • ns.wedos.cz
  • ns.wedos.net
  • ns.wedos.com
  • ns.wedos.eu
  • wes1-mx1.wedos.net
  • wes1-mx2.wedos.net


  • wedos.wedos.com

HTTP Header Response

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Date: Sun, 01 May 2016 03:35:38 GMT Server: Apache Location: http://www.poteseni79.cz/ Cache-Control: max-age=0 Expires: Sun, 01 May 2016 03:35:38 GMT Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 X-Pad: avoid browser bug HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 01 May 2016 03:35:38 GMT Server: Apache Cache-Control: max-age=0 Expires: Sun, 01 May 2016 03:35:38 GMT Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8


host: poteseni79.cz
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  4. ip:
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host: poteseni79.cz
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host: poteseni79.cz
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host: poteseni79.cz
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host: poteseni79.cz
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  4. ipv6: 2a02:2b88:1:4::34

Common Typos/Mistakes

This list shows You some spelling mistakes at internet search for this domain.

www.oteseni79.cz, www.pioteseni79.cz, www.ioteseni79.cz, www.pkoteseni79.cz, www.koteseni79.cz, www.puoteseni79.cz, www.uoteseni79.cz, www.pjoteseni79.cz, www.joteseni79.cz, www.ploteseni79.cz, www.loteseni79.cz, www.pteseni79.cz, www.pobteseni79.cz, www.pbteseni79.cz, www.pohteseni79.cz, www.phteseni79.cz, www.pogteseni79.cz, www.pgteseni79.cz, www.pojteseni79.cz, www.pjteseni79.cz, www.pomteseni79.cz, www.pmteseni79.cz, www.po teseni79.cz, www.p teseni79.cz, www.povteseni79.cz, www.pvteseni79.cz, www.poeseni79.cz, www.potqeseni79.cz, www.poqeseni79.cz, www.potaeseni79.cz, www.poaeseni79.cz, www.pot eseni79.cz, www.po eseni79.cz, www.potweseni79.cz, www.poweseni79.cz, www.poteeseni79.cz, www.poeeseni79.cz, www.potzeseni79.cz, www.pozeseni79.cz, www.potxeseni79.cz, www.poxeseni79.cz, www.potceseni79.cz, www.poceseni79.cz, www.potseni79.cz, www.potexseni79.cz, www.potxseni79.cz, www.potesseni79.cz, www.potsseni79.cz, www.potewseni79.cz, www.potwseni79.cz, www.poterseni79.cz, www.potrseni79.cz, www.potefseni79.cz, www.potfseni79.cz, www.potevseni79.cz, www.potvseni79.cz, www.potecseni79.cz, www.potcseni79.cz, www.poteqseni79.cz, www.potqseni79.cz, www.poteaseni79.cz, www.potaseni79.cz, www.poteyseni79.cz, www.potyseni79.cz, www.poteseeni79.cz, www.poteeeni79.cz, www.potesweni79.cz, www.poteweni79.cz, www.potesdeni79.cz, www.potedeni79.cz, www.potesxeni79.cz, www.potexeni79.cz, www.potesfeni79.cz, www.potefeni79.cz, www.potesgeni79.cz, www.potegeni79.cz, www.potesteni79.cz, www.poteteni79.cz, www.potesni79.cz, www.potesxni79.cz, www.potesesni79.cz, www.potessni79.cz, www.potesewni79.cz, www.poteswni79.cz, www.poteserni79.cz, www.potesrni79.cz, www.potesefni79.cz, www.potesfni79.cz, www.potesevni79.cz, www.potesvni79.cz, www.potesecni79.cz, www.potescni79.cz, www.poteseqni79.cz, www.potesqni79.cz, www.poteseani79.cz, www.potesani79.cz, www.poteseyni79.cz, www.potesyni79.cz, www.potesei79.cz, www.potesenni79.cz, www.poteseni79.cz, www.potesenhi79.cz, www.potesehi79.cz, www.potesenji79.cz, www.poteseji79.cz, www.potesenki79.cz, www.poteseki79.cz, www.potesenli79.cz, www.poteseli79.cz, www.potesen i79.cz, www.potese i79.cz, www.potesen79.cz, www.potesenir79.cz, www.potesenr79.cz, www.potesenif79.cz, www.potesenf79.cz, www.poteseniv79.cz, www.potesenv79.cz, www.potesenik79.cz, www.potesenk79.cz, www.poteseni,79.cz, www.potesen,79.cz, www.potesenib79.cz, www.potesenb79.cz, www.potesenig79.cz, www.poteseng79.cz, www.potesenit79.cz, www.potesent79.cz, www.poteseniy79.cz, www.poteseny79.cz, www.poteseniu79.cz, www.potesenu79.cz, www.potesenij79.cz, www.potesenj79.cz, www.potesenim79.cz, www.potesenm79.cz, www.potesenin79.cz, www.potesenn79.cz, www.poteseni9.cz, www.poteseni7t9.cz, www.potesenit9.cz, www.poteseni7z9.cz, www.poteseniz9.cz, www.poteseni7y9.cz, www.poteseniy9.cz, www.poteseni7u9.cz, www.poteseniu9.cz, www.poteseni759.cz, www.poteseni59.cz, www.poteseni7.cz, www.poteseni79u.cz, www.poteseni7u.cz, www.poteseni79o.cz, www.poteseni7o.cz, www.poteseni79i.cz, www.poteseni7i.cz, www.poteseni797.cz, www.poteseni77.cz,

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